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Get access to:
- NEW True Potential Formula program
- Two monthly group coaching, Q&A or accountability calls with Sylvia
- Ask Sylvia anything between calls
- Monthly book club program + gathering
- Get immediate access to ALL programs in the academy including all style programs.
"T I have got clear around what thoughts have been holding me back and the reason for my lack of results. I have been able to move towards my goal and it now is within reach.".
"With Sylvia’s support, I started setting bigger goals and taking bolder action. Her guidance gave me the courage to try new things and take chances that have paid off in a big way. I’m so happy I worked with Sylvia. She made a real difference in the way I run my business."
"I've really enjoyed Sylvia's style course. I found myself hooked on learning the new concept and 'playing' in my closet to attempt the style assignments. This has been a great investment of my time. Overall I now understand why I like certain outfits and how to apply these concepts. I highly recommend this."